How to register to vote

Most US states require that you register before voting in an election. The registration process varies by state: For some, you should start the registration process far ahead of voting day. If you want to vote in a federal election in November, aim complete all your voter registration housekeeping by early September so you aren't caught off guard by any unexpected paperwork.

  1. Visit to get routed to the registration processes for your state. Voters in each state and territory must follow their voter registration laws.

  2. Even if you think you're registered, check if you're registered just in case! Sometimes registration can be marked as inactive if you haven't voted consistently in elections.

  3. If you've moved, you will need to re-register in your state. Even if you've moved within a state, look into re-registering processes, as they might affect your state or local participation.

U.S. citizens living outside the U.S., including U.S. service members and their families, can register to vote and request an absentee ballot by completing the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA). For more information, visit the Federal Voter Assistance Program.


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